Ellis Weiner has been writing and cooking pretty much non-stop since some time in the previous century.
His latest book, written with Steve Radlauer, is Monsters of the Ivy League, a series of profiles of men and women who, although graduates or founders or faculty members of, or dropouts from, the most august educational institutions in America, did terrible, deplorable things, including murder, slave trading, the promotion of eugenics, and war crimes. It’s hilarious.
He is author or co-author of twenty other books too numerous to count, and has published humor pieces in every magazine on Earth.
He is founder and editor of The Sherman Oaks Review of Books, a humor magazine in whose “pages” you will find, written by him and others, so broad and risible a range of articles that it’s not even funny. In the kitchen he can do it all: cook, set the table, eat, clean up. He always doubles the garlic, halves the cayenne, and is an accomplished spatchcocker.